Your Privacy Is Important To Us!

     We do not give out your email or personal data to anyone other than those you approve.  Our accounts are set up so that your email address is hidden from those prowling for address to send garbage advertisements.  We will do our best to keep our site very secure and never sell your information to another company.  This site is not a free site, you pay to be here, and we aren't trying to make our money back by passing on your personal information like some other sites we wont mention.

     We also offer the option to make your pictures private. An option in the settings will only allow those in your family list to view your pictures. People can be added to your list by submitting a password you give them or by you manually approving them.

     The exception here is some personal information is available to those that you approve as family.  If you add someone to your family list then they will be able to see your email in addition to greater access to your site.  This hosting service is founded on giving families a friendly, secure, and low-cost place to upload digital pictures.  Any way we can serve you better, just let us know!